Turkish Coffee Techniques and Tips

Turkish coffee is a unique beverage prepared by brewing finely ground coffee beans in a special coffee pot known as a “cezve.” This traditional method of making coffee has been an essential part of Turkish cuisine for centuries. Here are some Turkish coffee brewing techniques and important tips:

Ingredient Preparation

When making Turkish coffee, it’s important to use high-quality coffee beans. In general, medium-roasted and finely ground coffee is preferred. In addition, the use of fresh water enhances the flavor of the coffee. You’ll need a clean cezve or coffee pot.

Coffee Measurement

Turkish coffee measurements are usually expressed in the number of cups you intend to brew. Approximately 7-10 grams of coffee are used per cup. For instance, to make two cups of Turkish coffee, you’ll need 14-20 grams of coffee.

Adding Water and Sugar

Add coffee and sugar to the cezve. The amount of sugar used depends on personal preference; you can decide how sweet or bitter you want it. Water is added to moisten the coffee grounds. Use around 70-100 ml of water for each cup.


Mix the coffee, water, and sugar in the cezve and place it on low heat. Ensure that the mixture is homogeneous.

Low Heat

Turkish coffee is brewed on low heat. Excessive heat may cause the coffee to burn. Ideally, turn off the heat as soon as foam begins to form.

Foam Formation

One of the most delightful aspects of Turkish coffee is the dark brown foam that forms on top. The formation of foam is a crucial step to be mindful of when brewing the coffee.

Serving in a Cup

After the coffee is brewed, pour it carefully into cups, making sure the foam stays on top. Do not transfer the sediment left in the cezve to the cup.

Waiting and Savoring

As the Turkish coffee sits in the cup, sediment can accumulate at the bottom. Take your time to savor it slowly; there’s no need to rush. Additionally, the coffee grounds at the cup’s bottom can create interesting patterns and symbols, making it a ready canvas for coffee fortune-telling.

Brewing Turkish coffee is an art and a tradition. Each cup is a tool used to read stories and fortunes. Sharing this experience is a perfect opportunity to enjoy the taste of coffee and engage in delightful conversations with loved ones.

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